Graduate Coursework

Digital Advertising

JMC 5223
Dr. Yoon Hi Sung

• Learned how digital media markets are changing in terms of traditional and newer media, as well as basic concepts and terminology used in digital advertising media strategies
• Semester project was a team-based digital advertising campaign promoting the Gaylord College student YouTube channel, Gaylord Life

New & Emerging Technologies in Storytelling

JMC 5001
Professor Kathleen Johnson

• Learned about emerging media storytelling methods such as VR, AR, MR, XR, podcasts, Clubhouse, photogrammetry, transmedia and Esports
• Studied how these new technologies are shaping journalism, entertainment and strategic communications

Digital Archiving and Mapping

JMC 5001
Professor Carla Bishop

• Learned about ArcGIS Story Maps and how they can be used as a storytelling method in strategic communication, marketing and advertising settings

Research Methods

JMC 5093
Dr. Peter Gade

• Learned about professional and academic research methods such as surveys, focus groups, content analyses and in-depth interviews
• Semester-long project was a research proposal of publishable quality

Career Counseling

H R 5563
Dr. Katie Allen

• Learned the basics of career counseling, including theories of career counseling and career counseling ethics

Graphic Design Media

JMC 5001
Dr. Melanie Wilderman

• Learned the principles of good design
• Completed graphic design projects based on personal and career interests to practice applying design principles


JMC 5001
Professor Mel Odom

• Learned how to self-publish content, mainly through the eBook format
• Began the first draft of a book with a tentative publish date of December 2020

Communication and Technology

COMM 5363
Dr. Sun Kyong Lee

• Worked with students and faculty in the Department of Communication
• Conducted a solo research project on social media influencers and their use of Instagram, focusing mainly on affordance theory and media richness theory

Readings in Mass Communication

JMC 5063
Dr. Doyle Yoon

• Read a variety of novels and articles over different aspects of mass communication
• Led a four-hour discussion section (two class sessions) over my assigned novel

Project Seminar

JMC 5091
Dr. Meta Carstarphen

• Planned and drafted my graduate project proposal

Crisis Communication

JMC 5413
Professor Robert Pritchard

• Learned the basics of crisis communication protocol, including how to interact with the media
• Composed crisis communication protocol for an organization of our choice

Conceptual Issues

JMC 5073
Dr. Fred Beard

• Learned about the different types of scholarly papers
• Completed the semester-long project, a “review of the literature” paper over a topic of our choice

For the list of my relevant undergraduate coursework, click here.

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